
Sunday, December 25, 2005


No post today. Down for maintenance.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. ahhh....

Self conflicting. A way of life for so many of us.

Three shopping events (whee):

Twice in one day, I noticed that I was charged for something other than what I purchased (more in both cases). The first time, the cashier couldn't deal with the concept that the price marked on the object and the object itself didn't in any way match what was on the receipt. Had to ask for a supervisor after arguing the illogic of the guy. Second time it happened (different place), they apologized profusely and made it right as fast as they could. "Sorry, that happens sometimes". [that's two so far]

I was at the register to purchase my thing, as was some unknown [to me] woman to purchase her thing. Clerk took both of our things and fumbled about some. Then he said something like "I'm stressed out!", took our items and left the store. He didn't come back. It was funny and odd. [and that's three]

This now eases us into the concept of self-conflicting data (just line 03, not the shopping stories). There will be some babbling about that soon.

Now I'm done with my no post and am off to maintain.


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