People u lation 1
As far as I can find out, humans are the largest single species population on the planet over about five pounds. That means that there are more of us than there are anything bigger or smaller in a very wide range of sizes-like a thousand times more of us than most other things (*one exception, below). If you believe the 'census-y' sort, there's about six and a half billion of us roaming about right now. The population of the world has more than doubled in my lifetime. I remember hearing that there were three billion when I was young, and thinking that was a lot, and really too many. Now it's more, and too many more. Not only that, it is getting to be even more even faster.
Go here: to see the doom associated with too many of us.
Because of agriculture, there are about six billion chickens too-(*there are also about 1.5 billion cattle). To get anywhere near our population [without farming], the animals get pretty small-like about mouse size, I think. I'm not sure about plant life, but I would bet that the same holds true. Naturally, things like beetles and ants and such far outnumber and outweigh us. I don't think they have as big a negative effect on the planet as us though.
I think what this means is that the world is getting to be a worse place to live. I think that there is a finite amount of intelligence, and that it's all being spread thin over the total population. Haven't you noticed that people seem to be acting stupider? Well, maybe if there get to be enough of us, we'll all be dumb enough to be happy anyway.
That's the start. More in the next post...
Go here: to see the doom associated with too many of us.
Because of agriculture, there are about six billion chickens too-(*there are also about 1.5 billion cattle). To get anywhere near our population [without farming], the animals get pretty small-like about mouse size, I think. I'm not sure about plant life, but I would bet that the same holds true. Naturally, things like beetles and ants and such far outnumber and outweigh us. I don't think they have as big a negative effect on the planet as us though.
I think what this means is that the world is getting to be a worse place to live. I think that there is a finite amount of intelligence, and that it's all being spread thin over the total population. Haven't you noticed that people seem to be acting stupider? Well, maybe if there get to be enough of us, we'll all be dumb enough to be happy anyway.
That's the start. More in the next post...
Just think of it. Each one of those 6 billion chickens has desires for love and fulfillment just like the rest of us.
I am on a mission to get to know all of the world's chickens on a personal basis... what their hobbies are, what makes 'em tick. I've started a mailing list and, believe me, letters by chickens from all over the world are pouring in!
Here's one from "Henrietta A., Nepal, India". "Dear Geritopia, I'm a fun-loving chicken. I enjoy dance, the Rings Trilogy, clucking, movies, gossip, pecking in the dirt, and churros. Please don't let 'em cut off my head."
Reading all these letters really works up an appetite.
Geritopia, at 4:24 PM
Stupid chicken, I think. Nepal is a separate country North of India. Or maybe you migrate between the two?
So why don't chickens fly?
simple, at 7:28 PM
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