
Monday, February 06, 2006

Can't see it

Really, I can't see these 3D things. This one is more complex than the ball over on Entermation. I suggest you view the larger, linked image if you're interested in it at all. This one's a woman, sorta'. I could probably see it if it didn't give me a headache-it annoys my eyes. I'm a fragile creature, after all. Now here's the text trivialized:

Rellay, I cant see tshee 3D thnigs. Tihs one is mroe coemplx tahn the blal oevr on Emornaiettn. I suegsgt you veiw the lgraer, lkeind igame if youre iestertend in it at all. Tihs ones a wmaon, stora. I cloud pralobby see it if it ddint gvie me a hcahdaeeit anonys my eeys. Im a frgiale carurtee, atefr all. Now hrees the txet tiarieilvzd:

annoying trivia nonsense coming.


  • how are these images synthesized from original discernable pics?

    I still don't see anything.

    By Blogger Geritopia, at 1:06 AM  

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