agggh. 011000100011110111010100010001010010000101000010111110110100001110101110101100000110001011101010101
Digital is not better. It's a multi-billion dollar advertising scheme. A way to sell more junk. What do you have that's digital that's better than a purely analog counterpart? My typewriter never crashed and lost a complete document. I generated less paper before the computer than after I got one-and it was of better value. Well, I guess the whole 'blog' thing is a digital phenomenon. There you go. Is this a good thing? Yakking around the campfire was probably more enjoyable. I'm pretty sure I would be punished if I even made an open fire for yakking around (I'm in the city).
I guess it's probably better to have digital photos on your computer than to have actual prints. The prints instill some sense of value since they actually exist. Hard to throw them away. So you live your life with some photo collection in a shoebox, never looking at it (unless you're a 'scrapbooker'), then one day it gets tossed in the trash or goes to Goodwill. With digital, you stick your photos on your computer and then it crashes or some other problem occurs and your photos are just gone. Less clutter, faster loss.
Our whole digital life is going down the drain rapidly. Nothing exists. It's all ephemeral. This blog doesn't even exist in any sort of concrete way. I can delete and edit to my heart's content. Sounds like 'Big Brother' doesn't it?
yeah, more ranting on this later. Pressed for time lately. Photos and pictures coming (because of a suggestion/request) soon.
Digital is not better. It's a multi-billion dollar advertising scheme. A way to sell more junk. What do you have that's digital that's better than a purely analog counterpart? My typewriter never crashed and lost a complete document. I generated less paper before the computer than after I got one-and it was of better value. Well, I guess the whole 'blog' thing is a digital phenomenon. There you go. Is this a good thing? Yakking around the campfire was probably more enjoyable. I'm pretty sure I would be punished if I even made an open fire for yakking around (I'm in the city).
I guess it's probably better to have digital photos on your computer than to have actual prints. The prints instill some sense of value since they actually exist. Hard to throw them away. So you live your life with some photo collection in a shoebox, never looking at it (unless you're a 'scrapbooker'), then one day it gets tossed in the trash or goes to Goodwill. With digital, you stick your photos on your computer and then it crashes or some other problem occurs and your photos are just gone. Less clutter, faster loss.
Our whole digital life is going down the drain rapidly. Nothing exists. It's all ephemeral. This blog doesn't even exist in any sort of concrete way. I can delete and edit to my heart's content. Sounds like 'Big Brother' doesn't it?
yeah, more ranting on this later. Pressed for time lately. Photos and pictures coming (because of a suggestion/request) soon.
reality may be binary... but at so high a resolution and frequency that it makes our simulations feel cold.
louie the bucktoothed hare
Geritopia, at 12:41 AM
Well, Mr. Bucktoothed Hare, you're geekin' me out, dude.
I wonder how we would ever know for sure?
Maybe you can get a grant?
simple, at 9:28 PM
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