
Saturday, December 24, 2005


I just thought of this. Since everyone is in the Giving spirit, I figure I need about Ten Million Dollars. If all of you readers send me a million dollars each (if you're a little tight, $200,000.00 or $500,000.00 or whatever you can afford-ya' know even $1 still helps get there)-I'll be 'there'. I know what you're thinking, since there are so many readers, I would exceed the $10,000,000.00 point rapidly. I thought of that. I don't want to seem greedy. Taxes come into play here. A pile of each donation will be gone for taxation. Some people probably won't donate anything at all (doubtful, but possible). If, by chance, after taxes I end up with more, then I will either return the surplus on a 'per share' basis, or give it away to someone else according to instructions for surplus.

Pretty simple, huh? So, thanks in advance.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Well, they're looming large. Kwanzaa and Hanukkah (add the C if you need), and Christmas. They're overwhelming. Forced into Christmas here. Had to go out and get a murdered tree (look at the prior topic for more on that one). Really bothers me a lot. Grow something for ten or twenty years just to murder it for exhibition in your living room for a couple of weeks-then toss it in the trash.

Yeah, that's the spirit. More spirit: Seems that now you do Halloween (moved it up a couple of weeks), then start in on the Christmas frenzy of consumption. Need to get lots and lots of stuff. Give gifts, get gifts. Life's grand. Be nice to the homeless for a little while-it's the giving spirit. It's generally selfish too. What do you WANT? I WANT STUFF. When do you WANT it? Well, on a specific day, of course. I'm so damned special that I deserve to be recognized (with stuff) on the anniversary of my birth and on Christmas and Valentine's day-and maybe a couple of other events during the year. If you don't give me something really special, then I get to make you feel miserable about yourself, or at least guilty. I also get to be miserable or happy because it's MY SPECIAL DAY.

I'm sure that's what Christ wanted. [here comes the blasphemy] All these Christian religions that kill people in his name (not that other religions don't kill people too...). That tell you what's right and wrong. Based on all the crap that is currently (supposedly) based on this guy's life-I would imagine him as one selfish arrogant snot. Can you imagine: "Hey, I'm the son of God down here on Earth. Give me some stuff, and conquer the world for ME. If you don't make me happy, I'll tell dad to send you down to the firey pits of Hell. ...and he'll do it too!" Doesn't surprise me that they would stick him on a stake with that kind of attitude. I hope that's not how it was. Maybe I better go read up on that.

Couldn't we all just be considerate and giving all the time-just because we want to be nice? "Here's a little thing I came across that I thought you might enjoy." or "I was just thinking of you, so I dropped this card in the mail-'cause our friendship brings me some joy." Nah, it's easier to just do it on a predetermined day when everyone else it doing it. Oh yeah, 'random acts of kindness' that's a good one. {no, I'm not a Christian-go figure}

Well get outta' my way, I've got some Valentine's day shopping to get done.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


I live in LA. There are lots of oddish people here. They mostly seem to come here from other places. There are probably more people here from somewhere else than from here.

With that in mind, I know a number of people with dietary constraints. Vegetarianism is a pretty common one. I don't mind that, mind you. It's a fine thing. What I do mind is when they complain/preach about cruelty to animals or my carnivorous activities. I know more than one hard core VEGAN who has a leather interior in their car, wear leather shoes and jackets and stuff like that. Why it's OK to wear dead animal and not consume it is beyond me.

It does bother me to kill animals. It also bothers me to kill plants. But, we do survive quite well on an omnivourous diet, so I figure it's probably the right thing to do. Humans really don't survive well eating only fruiting bodies. Life is based on consuming other life, and so be it. But don't be a hypocrite about it. You want to be vegan, do it. Don't wear leather, don't use animal by-products (good luck-glue, ink, medicines, and on and on and on are bits of processed dead animal). Then you can complain all you want. Otherwise, it means little.

Meat eater? Ever killed anything and eaten it? If not, you should. Add some value and understanding to that poor chicken you chomp on. I'd just as soon not eat at all, ever. Doesn't work. Just had to get over it. I don't like leather, wear very little of it.

Oh, I was born here, lived here most of my life.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

and now

OK, so I'm still setting this thing up. Going through the instructions, figgerin' it out. HTML modifications to come sooner or later. Gimme a break, I don't want to exist, remember? The better posts will come. Well, maybe not. Never can tell-it's all a matter of opinion, right?

[Relevant] Idiotic saying (that I've heard more times than I need to): "That's why they have menus in restaurants"

Another one (these will undoubtedly show up fairly often-since I hear them often enough): "No matter where you go, there you are." (which I actually appreciated in Buckaroo Banzai-along with a number of other little things like that, but not in general conversation).

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The beginning

Attempting to not exist doesn't work too well when you actually do. This (I hope) is ephemeral-lets me complain or whatever-and goes away. A changing reality.

I will be inconsistent, I'm sure. A flurry then nothing, then a trickle.

Oh, about that first paragraph: I prefer to not 'leave my mark'. When I die, I want to leave only memories that will eventually fade away. Nothing to say I used to be. No grave-just gone. I think it's the right way. It lets the world refresh itself. It's hard to describe, and certainly not in line with the world of humanity as it is now. Maybe more on that later.

the end